Next month, I will move from Buenos Aires to Cordoba. Since I lack the necessary equipment to complete this move on my own, I am here to ask for information from household national movers in Argentina. Is there any advice that you can give me on how I should pack my belongings in preparation for this move? I realize this move is only several kilometers, but I want to be fully prepared. When you send me your company's information, will it be possible for you to also include an estimate of your moving charges? Will this estimate include all of your charges? Or will you add charges onto the bill later? What are the different cost and service options that are available to me for this move? I would like to begin this move within the next two weeks. Is it possible for your company to begin work at this time? When will you complete this move? I will look forward to receiving your company's information about your moving services. I will also appreciate your response to my questions.