I presently reside just outside of Athens, Greece. Next month, I plan to move nearer to my parents. I am posting here to ask for information about household national movers in Bulgaria who can complete my move once I have my belongings delivered to the country. I only own enough furnishings to complete a one bedroom apartment. I have not lived in Athens long enough to accumulate much, and since I am still single there is not as much for me to have to move. When will your company become available to begin this move, and how long will it take for you to complete it? I will need a few boxes to pack my clothing, and other items. Does your company include that as part of your moving package? How much will it cost? Since you have my email address, please contact me directly as I have some other questions that I must ask before we begin with this move. Thank you for sending me this information. And please include your direct contact information with your email.