I seek information from any of the household national movers in Mexico. Soon after the first of next month, I plan to move from Chihuahua to Mexico City. This is where my work is taking me so I hope to have this move completed within a couple of weeks. How much advance notice do you require before scheduling a moving appointment? Once you have everything loaded onto your moving truck, how long will it take you to complete this move? My furnishings are reasonable for a two bedroom house. Once in Mexico City, my dwelling will be a two bedroom apartment. There are two beds to move. One of those beds is a queen size and the other is a full size. Of course, both of these bedrooms have the typical furnishings such as a dresser, chest, and so forth. Does your company provide shipping boxes and other packing materials so that I may pack my belongings? I am certain we will have much to discuss while we are planning for this move. So please send your company's information to my email address. Thank you.