Are there any household national movers in Switzerland who read through this forum? If so, will you please contact me and send your company's information? I will have the need for your services within the coming month as I am moving from Spiez to Zurich. How soon could your company begin working on this move? My current home is a two bedroom house and I will be moving into another two bedroom house. So there will be no change in the amount of space available. Each bedroom has a full suite of furniture and there will be several things that will require packing. If your company provides packing materials such as boxes and padding, then I will need several. How much do you estimate the boxes and packing material will add to the cost of moving? For that matter, how much can you estimate you will charge me to move between these two points? There is much planning to do. Can you include your company's direct contact information so that I may speak with someone while we are planning this move? Thank you for sending this.