If there are any residential national movers in Greece who read through this forum, please send me your moving information as soon as possible. Within the next 3 weeks, I plan to move from Athens to Larissa. I have thought about making this move for sometime, and I am now going to follow through with it. I am moving from a three bedroom apartment in Athens. My new home will be a two bedroom house. Fortunately, there are additional rooms to provide the loss of space in bedrooms. I did not really need the third bedroom as all I used it for was for storage. Which brings me to my next question. How many boxes are included in the cost of this move? Or do you charge an additional fee for this? In order to pack all of my loose items, I will need quite a number of boxes, padding, and packing materials. How soon can you begin working on this move, and when can you have this move completed? You do not know how much I appreciate your help with this. Thanks.