I would like some information about household national movers in Poland. So if anyone who visits this forum has access to this information please respond to my inquiry as soon as possible. Within the next two to three weeks, I want to have completed my move from Poznan to Gdansk. Therefore, I really only want to hear about companies that are available to complete this move during this period. My current home is a two bedroom house. My new home in Gdansk will also be a two bedroom house. Both bedrooms do have full bedroom furnishings. I also have a full dining room set as well. Living room furnishings consist of a full sofa, two love seats, one recliner, a rocking chair, and three small tables. The coffee table is made of glass, so there must be great care taken in preparing this for the move. Can your company offer assurances there will be no damages to any of my possessions? How soon can your company begin and complete this move? Thank you for your responses. They are appreciated.