Household National movers in Italy
I seek the services of household national movers in Italy who can complete my move from Naples to Venice by the middle of next month. If you can do this, then please email your information to me at my email address that is included with this post. Please include with your email your response to some of my questions that I am including here as well as any other information that I need to work with your company for this move. Of course, one of my questions is how much will you charge me to complete this move. I have the typical amount of furnishings that populate a two bedroom apartment. The only items that may be a little different are the 7 large paintings that adorn various parts of my home. I would like these paintings to have extra padding, if that is possible. That way they are better protected and will not be damaged during this move. Speaking of damage, can you guarantee your work in that my possessions will arrive at my new home undamaged? I look forward to reviewing your company's information packet. Your efforts are appreciated.