I am hoping to get some price quotes for some national movers in Denmark please. I am going to be assisting two employees with their relocation efforts. They are both moving to Horsens, Denmark in February. One employee will be coming from Hobro and the other from Kolding and both have families to move with them. The one from Hobro currently lives in a two bedroom flat with his wife and baby girl. The other employee is married as well but has three slightly older children and live in a four bedroom single family home. I mention that they are both family men because, as you may be able to guess, moving with children can be a bit stressful so the quicker we can get them moved and settled, the better. They both would like assistance with the packing of their homes, the physically move of it all and then the unpacking. Please indicate how many people you will have to assist with the move so that we can hire more people to help get them situated if necessary.