Moving from San Diego, CA to Clearwater, FL
Hello, my wife and I are relocating from San Diego, CA to Clearwater, FL this coming January to be closer to my aging mother. We need boxes to pack a four-bedroom house, a kitchen, den, and living room. We also estimate we need some larger, more heavy-duty boxes to pack everything that has accumulated in our garage. We also have one king-size bed, two full-size beds, and a bunk bed to move. We will also need some extra boxes to pack toys, and other belongings. Our dining room set includes a formal dining room set, which will need extra padding. Since we are moving so far, we will have to have extra padding to pack my antique dishes. They have been passed down for generations and are irreplaceable. This move has come so sudden and we want to have everything at least packed by the end of this year. Can someone send me a quote for this move? Feel free to email me right away, as we want to have the preparations made just as soon as possible. Thank you.